Fltulajdonban Foxy-val!
2010-es szlets Angol Telivr Mn
ELITE, Excellent, Beautiful, Infernus Champion, Prime Perfection's Favorite Horse, Els a Debrecen Derby Galopp Versenyen, Beau Cheval, Good Horse on I. Paralia Derby, 4th of I. Paralia Derby, Beau Cheval, 2nd Placed Horse in R.I.P Fantastic Thoroughbred Leading Sires, Excellent Galopp Horse, Pretty Galopp Horse in Valley of Champions
♦Alap Adatok♦
Neve: My Song or Roger
Hvneve: Rogo
Fajtja: Angol telivr
Kora: 3 v
Neme: Mn
Trzsknyvezett neve: My Song or Roger
Trzsknyvi szma: Thoroughbred-365-684-06
Szrmazs: Foxy's Racing Stable
Magenta Dream of the steerts |
Living the Dream |
Grand Tibute |
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Shake Magenta |
Above and Beyond |
Clear Neuosis |
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Rajtengedly: Rendelkezik
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