- 1st Placed Horse in I am a Princess? of course -1st in Bel Cavallo Appearance - 1st in Appearance in Groups - 2nd placed in PHR Mn&Kancaszemle - 2nd Placed Horse in Hello Summer! Appearance - Elite horse in Walk - Trot - Gallop apperance -Beautidul Most horse in M'sM- Good l a Garfield kllemversenyen- Szp l az Arab telivrek szemljn - Best horse in Salim's Opening Cup - Beautiful horse in Skillet Respect Appearance-Beau contact spcial-2nd Placed in Angelhoof Ponycenter-Better in Arabian Show-Nice Horse- 1 st to Farewell to Summer Dressage-The Best Horse in One,Two,Three Jump! - Best Mare in II. Mare Appearance-1st Placed in Appearance with Seasons-2 x 1st Placed Horse in French Appearance,Elite Dressage Horse,Elite Appearance Horse - 3rd Placed Horse in French Appearance-Pretty Horse,3rd horse of Dougles Z's DessageRace - Darius de Azavedo Champion-2nd placed in I.Breesmersen Dresage Cup- Best Horse in Trot-1st of Farewell to Summer Appearance -1 st on infernustc,I.Infernus Appearance-Most beautiful horse on Grass -Nice Horse on Dirt/Snow-Best Appearnce Horse-Good of Saratoga Race Course II. Months Appearance-1st Placed Horse in Finnland Grand Prix-Priem Perfection Champion,Elite Dressage Horse - 2.helyezett a Morbid Angel Tiszteletversenyen-The Best Breeding Horse - Cute Horse in the GP - Horse Racing Opening Appearance - Participant Horse in the Supernatural Dressage
1.hely: I am a Princess? of course /life-style.gp/
1.hely: Appearance in Groups/okinawa-lovasfarm.gp/
1.hely:50's Appearance /equestrian-races.gp/
1.hely:The Most Beautiful horse in M'sM/avlp.gp/
1.hely: Walk - Trot - Gallop apperance /equestrian-races.gp/
1.hely: Sznkategris kllemversenyen / equestrian-races.gp/
1.hely: Salim's Opening Cup - abszolt nyertes a kanca kategriban/salim-lovasszovetseg.gp/
1.hely:Skillet Respect Appearance
1.hely:Beau contact spcial /chevaldecourse.gp/
1.hely: Farewell to Summer Dressage /paralia-pak. gp /
1.hely: Appearance with Seasons /breemereersenvp.gp/
1.hely: French Appearance /kllem- kanca kat./ / breemeersmenvp.gp/
1.hely: French Appearance /djlovagls-kezd kat./ / breemeersmenvp.gp/
1.hely: I.Infernus Appearnce / kanca kat./ / infernustc.gp/
1.hely: Farewell to Summer Appearnce /kanca.kat /paralia-park.gp/
1.hely: Dream Horse Appearnce /kanca kat. /drawtales.gp/
1.hely :Under the Hooves / grass.kat/ santa-anita gp/
1.hely: 3 Days Competition ( kancakllem kat.)/drawtales.gp/
1.hely: Finnland Grand Prix (halad kat.) /perfections.gp.hu/
1.hely: Dressage vs. Jumping (djl. tbbsg) / larochellecenter.gp/
1.hely: Breeding Appearance (arab telivr kat)/drawtales.gp/
1.hely: GP - Horse Racing Opening Appearance (kanca kat.) /roe.gp/
2.hely: Bel Cavallo Appearance /belcavallo.gp/
2.hely: PHR Mn&Kancaszemle/ponysland.gp/
2.hely:Hello Summer! Appearance/life-style.gp/
2.:hely:7 month appearance/equestrian-races.gp/
2.hely: 2nd Placed in Angelhoof Ponycenter /angelhoof.gp/
2.hely: Arabian Show/blackroseforest.gp/
2.hely: Big Salim Cup /salim-lovasszovetseg.gp/
2.hely: II.Mare Appearance/benigma.gp/
2.hely: I.Breemersen Dressage Cup (halad kat) /breemeersenvp.gp/
2.hely:Hey,walk,trot,canter,galopp! (gets kat.) / benigma.gp)
2.hely: II. Months Appearance (ktfkes lovak kat.) /larochellecenter.gp/
2.hely : Dreassage vs. Jumping ( djl kat.) /larochellecenter.gp/
2.hely : Morbid Angel Tiszteletverseny (kanca kat.) - larochellecenter.gp
3.hely:IV. Decide It! Appearance/ponysland.gp/
3.hely: Garfield kllemversenyen/equestrian-races.gp/
3.hely: Arab telivrek szemljn! /equestrian-races.gp/
3.hely:Szp l a kanck versenyn /equestrian-races.gp/
3.hely:Explosive Impetus Appearance /eilk.gp/
3.hely: French Appearane / szbadonidomts kat./ / breemeersmenvp.gp/
3.hely: Dougles Z tiszteletverseny /racingchampions.gp/
3.hely: Scottsdale Arabian Show /kanca kat./ /lovas-centrum.gp/
3.hely: Under the Hooves / dirt kat./ /santa-anita.gp/
3.hely: Under theHooves / snow kat./ /santa-anita.gp/
4.hely: 3 Days Competition ( djl. halad kat . ) /drawtales.gp/
5.hely: Autumn Cup /djlovagls-nagylovak/ /patanevelde.gp/
7.hely: Supernatural Dressage /halad/ /roe.gp/