-ELITE Horse in Beautiful Appearance - Best in Grand Prix New Zealand - gyes Kezd Ugrl a GSSJ versenyen - The Best Jumper Horse in London | Paris - 2nd Placed Horse in III.Step by Step Jumping - 2nd at Show Jumping Heroes - 1st Placed Horse in Riverbank Poison Dante Tiszteletverseny - 2nd Placed Horse in Riverbank Poison Dante Tiszteletverseny- Elite horse a Garfield djugrat versenyen - Elite horse in 7 month Appearance-1st of Farewell to Summer Jump-2nd placed on National Geographic Show Jumping-1. helyezett a vides djugratson- Good Jumping Horse,3rd in French Appearance-3rd placed on I.Breemeersen Jumping Cup- Best Horse in Jump - Best horse in Jump to the Sky!-Nice of Saratoga Race Course II. Months Appearance- 1 st Placed Horse in Mare's Week-Elite horse in Simple Show Jumping
1.hely:Beautiful Appearance /equestrian.races.gp/
1.hely:'Indoor or Open?' Jumping /ponyisland.gp/
1.hely:Riverbank Poison Dante Tiszteletverseny /lifes-stye.gp/
1:hely:7 month Appearance - Abszolt nyertes /equestrian-races.gp/
1.hely:Garfield djugrats vsernyen. /equestrian-races.gp/
1.hely:Grand Prix New Zealand /life-style.gp/
1.hely: Video Horse Jumping / only-horse.gp/
1.hely: Mare's Week /lacarousel.gp/
1.hely:II. At Home Appearance/fejkp kat./
1.hely:II. At Home Appearance/lovassal kat./
1.hely:Simple Show Jumping/profi kat./belcavallo.gp/
2.hely:Riverbank Poison Dante Tiszteletversen /life-style.gp/
2.hely:III.Step by Step Jumping /life-style.gp/
2.hely:Farewall to Summer Jump/paralia-park.gp/
2.hely:National Geographic Show Jumping /breemeersenvp.gp/
2.hely: Jump to The Sky! /championrace.gp/
2.hely: Hey,walk,trot,canter,galopp! /benigma.gp/
2.hely: Dressage vs. Jumping / larochellecenter.gp/
3.hely:GSSJ versenyen /ponyisland.gp/
3.hely: French Appearance / perfections.gp/
3.hely: I.Breemesmen Jumping Cup /kezdk kat./ /breemsmenvp.gp/
3.hely: II. Months Appearance /kantros lovak kat./ /larochellecenter.gp/
